Monday, November 8, 2010

Hello Winter...

I woke up this morning to rain.
Rain which very quickly turned into snow.
Don't get me wrong, snow is great...between Thanksgiving and New Years...any other time though, it just should not be allowed.
To compound the situation I had a day off today.
I don't really so much love days off.
It's good on the one hand because I got to catch up with laundry and I got to work on some art stuff, but I just get really bored!!
So, in a state of mourning for the lost sunshine, I decided that the best way to keep a little ray of it in my heart was to go tanning.
Those 10 minutes in the tanning bed were pure bliss (discounting that nagging thought in the back of my head that I was possibly knocking off days of my life down the road), and the euphoria lasted for around another 2 minutes once I was back in the drizzling cold.
Then the dismal feeling settled right back into my heart and I was left no better off than before I took a gamble with skin cancer.
Now, this may be a lesson that many of you learned long ago, but I had a major life lesson break through about an hour ago!
I was sitting around feeling lousy about this Monday when the thought crossed my mind that I should get a book from the library. As I prepared to drag myself to my car, a little idea from deep down in the recesses of my mind popped up.
Why don't you walk there?
Well, it's cold for one. And it's raining. And when do I ever walk to the library?
Then I looked at the scenario that I was facing for the rest of the day...a whole lot of nothing and decided, why not?
But if I was going to walk in this weather, I was going to do it in style!
So, I donned my super fly rain boots that I purchased while in Oxford and got out the most colorful umbrella that I could find, I grabbed my ipod and my library card, and I was on my way!
My English family would be proud if they had seen me.
Then the most amazing thing happened...
I was purely, blissfully HAPPY.
I was feeling so good about life, having EMBRACED the weather that I truly smiled the whole way to the library!
Oh man.
This was a new concept for me.
I seem to have been wired to "rebel against everything whethere it's a good idea or not" And that carried over into changing seasons too aparently...
But here I was, going with the flow, and conforming to the seasons, and loving every single second of it!
Now, I'm not advocating conformity, but let's be honest, the weather's going to change with or without my permission.
Then I started toying with the idea of letting go more often. Who really wants to be in control and bossy all of the time? Not me.'s given me a lot to think about :)
I loved this moment so much that I thought I'd share it with all of you.
I was going to just draw a picture of my stroll for you, but then I ran into Miss Sheri Echols and she offered to take a picture of my ensemble....
I hope you really get the feeling of pure happiness that I had as you listen to this song (which is in fact the same song that I was listening to on my walk) and look at the pictures.