Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thoughts on my Mind...

Tonight I watched the news footage of the heroic efforts to save those 33 Chilean miners who have been trapped underground for the last 69 days.
I'm not ashamed to admit that I totally started crying.

Then, and this part was pretty cool, I said a prayer for comfort for all of those miners, as they're still underground, or on their way up or above ground. It felt really really cool to be adding my prayers to those of millions all over the world. SO COOL.

Then I started researching the whole story and I got a new hero, a man named Manuel Gonzalez. This guy is amazing. He's the rescue worker who volunteered to go down 2,050 feet below the ground to help out these miners. I watched the video clips of him getting down there and started crying again. This guy is amazing. I can think of very few places that I would rather be less than being lowered in that super claustrophobic space that far underground. Oh man.
Then, before I knew it, there was some message about another Hollywood divorce taking place.
That just didn't sit very well with me.
There are these men going through all sorts of hell and this Hollywood couple is worthy of sharing the same news feed?
No bueno.
This got me thinking about how we idolize the wrong things a lot of the time. Who do we look up to and admire and strive to emulate? Most often it's all of the wrong people. I know I do sometimes.
Then I remembered a picture that I saw in an institue class a while ago and I googled it and found that there is a whole "Real Heroes" campaign from this LDS artist and I fell in love with this idea!! (Not so much all of the artwork, although some are really awesome, just not all of them are my favorite...)
Who ARE my heroes?

Manuel Gonzalez is my hero for today.
(And there was also a Navy paramedic who went down too. He is my hero too.)
But who will my heroes be tomorrow? I'm going to make a concerted effort to pick them more carefully from now on. God bless those miners :)

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