Monday, September 5, 2011

Day Four...

10 Pet Peeves

1-Stupid Drivers. Seriously though, I think there should be a mandatory stupidity test that everyone has to pass before they're allowed on the roads. Some people astound me.
2-People With Big LOUD Opinions. We're all entitled to them, however, there's a time and a place and an audience that we should share them with. Not at the I Hop while you're having pancakes.
3-Guys Wearing Girl Pants. Girl pants are made for girls. Guys, you have your very own section to shop in. Use it.
4-Feminists. Men and women are different, anatomically, emotionally and personality wise. We do not need to be 100% equal, that doesn't mean that women should have to play Suzie homemaker, however I enjoy getting my oil changed for discount prices because I'm a lady.
5-Reality TV Stars. They shouldn't be famous. They haven't done anything.
6-News Media. There's so many slants, aiming so many different directions, you're never getting the up and up.
7-The "Hit It And Quit It" Type of Guys. They give all other guys a bad name and they're just jerks.
8-College Degree Required. I hate that I have to go to years of school and pay a small fortune just to be considered for jobs. I like the apprenticeship idea. Let's go back to that.
9-Semi Haters. Seriously, lay off the big guys. They can't gain the speed as quickly as us little guys can. They have blind spots. We know these things, so don't get so upset and be dumb around them!! They're hauling 80,000 pounds of stuff, so no, they can't stop as fast as you when you zip in front of them.
10-"Album Only" Songs on Itunes. Really, you can't just let us buy the damn song?!

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