Saturday, April 16, 2011

Love and Beauty...

Life is beautiful.
We get one shot at this.
Might as well make it count, no?
So I'm trying to appreciate LOVE and BEAUTY all around me.
I love my life.
I love my family, as screwed up as we may be as a unit, I'm glad that I have them.
I love my animals, they sure give me a run for my money, but I wouldn't trade the happiness and unconditional love that they give for anything.
I love my friends, without them I can't even imagine where I'd be, they stick by me through everything, they're simply amazing.
I love music and the way that it can touch my soul when it seems like nothing else can.
I love my desire for adventure, without it I'd be dull and there's nothing that I dislike more than a dull person.
I love my spirituality, I love the fact that I have spirituality, I love that it causes me to question things in search of a deeper level of meaning.
I love plants, every plant has it's own personality and they all bring their spirits into my life.
I love, adore, and delight in baby cows, I truly cannot think of anything that puts a smile on my face faster than a calf running, walking, laying down, doesn't matter, they're darling no matter what they're doing.
For that matter I just love cows in general.
Heck, I just love animals in general, I watch animal documentaries because they make me feel good, I would rather adopt/rescue a pet than anything else in the world, and I would give every single animal a home if I had the room and resources.
I love learning, from reading, TV, Internet, I don't care, I just love learning new facts and figures.
I love people watching, there are so many of us all running around on this planet and we do the weirdest thing...we ignore each other a lot of the time. How weird is that? People intrigue me.
I love creativity in all of it's forms, there's nothing better than creating art-through pictures, words, photos, all of it. The only thing that could come close to that is appreciating others art. When you look for it, there's art everywhere. It's great.
I think that rainforest's are beautiful.
I think that mountains are beautiful.
I think that beaches are beautiful.

I am grateful for the LOVE and BEAUTY in my life.

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