Tuesday, March 8, 2011

30 Before 30 List...

So, a couple of months ago I mentioned that I was re-vamping my 30 Things To Do Before I'm 30 List...it's taken me this long, but I finally finished it!! So, without further ado, here it is!

1. Go skydiving
2. Go shark diving (this will help me get over my fear of sharks I think...)
3. Go scuba diving or snorkeling
4. Pick pineapples in Hawaii
5. Go ice fishing
6. Join the mile high club
7. Go on an un-mapped road trip
8. Learn to play the guitar
9. Be fluent in a foreign language
10. Learn to surf
11. Be in the Today show crowd
12. Climb a mountain
13. Get my bachelors degree
14. Plant at least one tree every year
15. Grow or landscape a garden
16. Publish something
17. Campaign for a cause
18. Hike the Inca Trail
19. Adopt pets from the pound
20. Learn to swim (this should probably happen before shark diving, snorkeling/scuba diving and surfing...)
21. Go on a humanitarian trip
22. Go for a week in silence (perhaps at an ashram?)
23. Read all of the standard works
24. Go on a Route 66 road trip
25. Visit 10 national parks (this is starting today, I can go to previously visited ones though)
26. Go to Alaska
27. Go whale watching
28. Live completely in a different culture
29. Go to the world cup
30. Help someone achieve something on their own list (thank you Buried Life)

I have 8 years and 2 months to complete this list, I have already checked off the adopting pets from the pound one, but it's fine because it was on the original list. I think it's safe to say that I should probably get started because I have my work cut out for me :)

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